Kee Thuan Chye
Some people are saying that from his helming the MH370 press conferences, Defence and Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein appears to be prime minister material.
I beg to differ.
He did the dumbest thing imaginable just a couple of days ago that showed that he was either not thinking or lacking in EQ (emotional quotient). It shocked many Malaysians that he was so insensitive.
It started with journalist Ismail Amsyar tweeting: “MH370 is a blessing in disguise for all of us. I understand now the beauty of unity, the sweetness of having each other.” That was appalling. How could anyone exploit the misfortunes of 239 lost passengers – and their worried family members – to delight in his own “sweet” discovery?
A person who had brains and heart would have straight away recognised the insensitivity of the tweet. No need even to have the qualities to be prime minister. And yet good old Hishammuddin tweeted back, “Right u are:)” Do note that it came accompanied with the emoticon for “smile”.
What was he thinking? Was he even thinking? If he wasn’t, that would be even more serious! Imagine a non-thinking potential PM!
But, seriously, are we surprised? Now people talk of him as PM material but have they forgotten the howlers he made when he was home minister?
I just have to mention three things that stand out.
One, his wishy-washy handling of the proposed protests by Muslim groups against the ‘Allah’ ruling right after it was made by the High Court in 2009. Instead of being firm as he was against previous protests, including those opposing the Internal Security Act (ISA), he sent out a vague message: The demonstrations could go ahead and action would only be taken if things got out of hand.
Instantly, his detractors cried double standards.
But that was not the end of the story. The next day, three churches in Kuala Lumpur were attacked with fire-bombs. And when critics pointed out that Hishammuddin was among those who should be held indirectly accountable for being ambivalent, he claimed he was misquoted. That seemed like standard operating procedure for ministers who had been caught out. It showed weak leadership.
Two, when protestors defiled a cow’s head to protest against the relocation of a Hindu temple in Shah Alam in 2009, Hishammuddin actually came out to defend them. He even told the media that the protestors could not be blamed as “they had no intention at all” to invoke racial sentiments. He said they felt victimised, and justified their illegal protest by saying the number of protestors was small!
Malaysians were bowled over. The home minister had turned ‘lawyer’ for illegal protestors who had insulted the Hindu religion!
That’s not the end of the story either. The next day, Hishammuddin did a U-turn. He now said the cow-head protestors should be charged for doing something that could not be tolerated. He claimed he never justified their action in the first place. What?! But there was a video of him at the previous day’s press conference showing a couple of the protestors seated cosily beside him as he explained that they were above censure. The video could not have lied.
The next thing we knew, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) summarily instructed Malaysiakini, the online news website that had recorded the press conference, to remove the video. Ostensibly to save Hshammuddin’s face. To Malaysiakini’s credit, it refused. So the record of our potential PM’s big-time faux pas is still available.
Three, Lahad Datu. Malaysians still facetiously call it the two-week teh tarik session Hishammuddin had with the armed Sulu insurgents before bullets started to fly and eight Malaysian policemen were killed. He explained that he was conducting diplomatic negotiations with them, but many of us were perplexed that he cut them so much slack. They had, after all, declared their intention from the start – to claim the area as their ancestral homeland. And they meant business with their weapons.
So instead of nipping the insurgency in the bud, the Government allowed it to escalate into armed conflict that lasted a few weeks and inflicted terror on Sabahans.
Let us also not forget how our potential PM got the nickname Kerismuddin. When he was Umno Youth chief, he unsheathed a keris at the Umno general assembly of 2005 and took a combative stance against those who opposed the New Economic Policy (NEP). It was also interpreted as a reaffirmation of Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy) and a hostile gesture aimed at non-Malays. Observers still say his antic was one of the factors that caused the massive drop in support for the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) at the watershed 2008 general election.
Still think Hishammuddin is PM material?
If some people are impressed by him because of his handling of the MH370 press conferences, it could be because he came on after we had seen how Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) Director-General Azharuddin Abdul Rahman bungled. Compared to the DCA man, Hishammuddin could not but shine.
Besides that, Azharuddin’s English proficiency was pretty hopeless whereas Hishammuddin, with his privileged education in Britain, is comfortable in the language.
Even so, Hishammuddin has made some injudicious remarks throughout the crisis.
In defending Malaysia’s handling of the crisis, he was not shy to say, “I think history will judge us well” and “we have done quite an admirable job”. Was he not aware that self-praise is no praise?
He also crowed about Malaysia’s ability to get 26 countries to work together to search for MH370. “Not many countries can get all the most sophisticated planes from countries from every corner of the world to come and assist,” he said. He should know that in a crisis like this, any number of countries would have responded – not because the country in charge asked but because of humanitarian concern.
A netizen responded with a different take: “Could it be that 26 nations agreed to come together because they have little confidence in Malaysia’s ability to do it on her own?”
Hishammuddin told local newspaper Sinar Harian in an interview, “We are willing to … set aside the country’s interest to find MH370. What more do the people want …?” Sounds like that mischievous article by Utusan Malaysia that came out after the last general election. LOL. Hishammuddin might have felt frustrated, but good EQ would have restrained him from expressing it.
Neither is it judicious for him to threaten to sue media organisations for making false reports on the crisis. He should have stopped at “The Malaysian government has nothing to hide and I believe the truth will prevail.” It makes a big difference.
Nonetheless, our Malaysian media has been kind to him – understandably so. Our editors have been genuflecting for so long, they can’t feel their feet any more. But the foreign media is more forthright. William Pesek of Bloomberg View, for instance, points out, “The lamentable manner in which he has fielded questions about the search underscores how unaccustomed Malaysia’s leaders are to being questioned by anyone.” Pesek has not been the only reporter highlighting that.
As for the handling of the crisis itself, one has to agree with Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, who called it “an unprecedented failure”. Nothing has come out of the search after a month. Perhaps it’s time to sacrifice national pride and let capable and experienced nations take over.
Ismail Amsyar tweeted about unity. What unity? Some people are critical of the handling but refrain from expressing it because they are afraid they might be accused of being unpatriotic.
But the Merdeka Centre’s recent survey is enlightening. It found that out of 513 respondents polled between March 13 and March 20, 50 per cent said they were dissatisfied with the management of the crisis, while 43 per cent said they were satisfied.
Among the young, more were dissatisfied. In the 21-30 age group, only 35 per cent were satisfied, compared to 56 per cent who were not. And in the 31-40 age group, only 36 per cent were satisfied while 58 per cent were not.
That’s something for potential prime minister Hishammuddin Hussein to chew on.
Source : Malaysia Today

That’s something for potential prime minister Hishammuddin Hussein to chew on.
Source : Malaysia Today
Democracy write what you want but at the end the readers will read between the line. The subtext is what matters. The subtext is what actually telling the reader what is the writter actually telling. This writer is just another chinaman in Malaysia who sees eberything with a very sepet eyes. What do you xpect when someone sees thing sepetly???
ReplyDeleteSad reading this article. Whole world is saddened by this MH370 trajedy and yet this writer was looking at the other side of Hishammuddin. Why cant we all just embrace each other and for once suppprt and back up whatever good things the gov trying to do to find the missing plane. If Hisyammuddin is the one representing the gov and acting officially, and he is doing a good job why cant we just show our suppprt and back him morally. Why the colours of his pant or the way he tied up his tie becomes an issues. Its so true we are still a country with a third world mentallity. Felt sorry for you Mr. KTC
ReplyDeleteThis apek .really worried maaa... He thought that no more Malay to lead this nation. When Hishamuddin stood up all the apek's friends were shock and get angry. So he tried to calm down all his friends. And actually he failed..
ReplyDeleteKeris is a malay symbol. What is wrong when we shealth out the keris kiss it. Its a symbol of patriotism. Malay patriotism. It is okey if any chinaman say bak ku teh is good for buka puasa...over my dead body if hudud is implemented....40k banglas vote in the election......blackout at the polling station and etc. If any of the fuckkatan side says or do....its ok. You can produce whatever video for you CNY....but when malay public react. Its racism. Its naive and ignorant. Why you all did not think first that all what you people are doing and saying is actually the mothers of all racism. Anything the malay react to all your doing is racism......
ReplyDeleteWhat's your problem lor? Past is past... today everyone know how good Hisham is....
ReplyDeleteIt is because Hisham is Malay right? If he is a Chinese, then there won't be such article like this..
ReplyDeleteWhy hah? You're worried if there any Malay leader stood up to lead this nation, then u and all your mata sepets family has no chance to take control this country right?
ReplyDeleteWell said anon 5.02. Syabas.
ReplyDeleteMr Kee....there's nothing for potential prime minister Hishammuddin Hussein to chew on. You are the one who should chew on what you wrote with you bak ku teh and your chinesse tea. Then when hv enought you can pack your things and migrate cos there's no way neither you nor LKS or LGE will ever lead this country.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr Kee... you are like a crow on top of a tall tree, crowing (or shall I say croaking) away telling the world how wrong they are and you are the only who one is always correct and knows it all. You thought you could see the whole world from the tree top. Yeah right, like a crow the carrion eater, your sepet eyes sweep across the country looking for easy meals. After having digest the easy meals, you fly up your perch and repeat your crowing again and again, praising yourself and finding fault in others. But dear Mr Kee, you have forgotten where your two feet are. You are standing on a tall sturdy tree . You may fly away and come back and some day you'll fall dead. But the tree lose nothing without the crow. It still stands strong against the wind, rain and storm until Allah says otherwise. Malaysia is the strong tree Mr a good bird and see the good side.
ReplyDeleteThis old man have his own dream. Of course Lim dynastylah..but Hisham was blocked his what else to do..menghoyanlah !
ReplyDeleteAnon 6.13. Yes, that chinaman and most of them is like the burung gagak. They live on bangkai as long as they can live with a stomach full. Yes true bangkai was never found on the tree....its alway on the road. This gagak will start screaming and making noice once they smell bangkai on the road. All will surround the bangkai. Leave the tree and once the bangkai is gone....they will come back for the tree. The tree is their shelter. The tree is where they rest, take shelter and place of their confort. This is the psychic of the gagak. Similar to the apek apek in MALAYsia. They will sapu whatever can be sapu but at the end they dont give a shit. Be it MCA or GERAKAN or DAP or all the kiasus NGO. They treat this country without respect an love as their motherland. Unfortunate for all of us. All our forefathers be it Tengku or Sambanthan or Tan Siew Sin work hard and left us with a great legacy to continue living hormoniously thru the malaysian formula that already existed and tested and yet we are now likes dogs and cats.
ReplyDeleteI heard that this old man write to eat..really ka ?
ReplyDeleteNo lah. M x journalist at the Star. He's just a proof reader ma. He edited what other write but he claim he's a journalist. He wrote english plays. Not sure how many and claimed to be the best english play to be staged at Old Vic and West End.....hahahaha. What a real loser.
ReplyDeleteDear Mr.KTC, this article kan make most of us Malay people lost our respect to all your mata sepet family la... shame on u....
ReplyDeleteI hv browse the Malaysia Today to see the real article. Yes its there. How I wonder why there were no such comments as the one here. Maybe I am ignorant with all these new media portal and blog. But I just wonder if the same article was published in a portal you can never get to see the comments or reaction of the public but when it was carried on a blog, peoples just respont and thats proved blog is much more democratic and free
ReplyDeleteTq NCS.
DeleteBottom line, you just hate the Malays to rule go on bad mouth, condemn. Wonder how your kind would react in such a situation like the MH370 tragedy if your kind had been put in Hishamuddin's shoes. And he did it just so he could become the next PM?
ReplyDeleteObviously Kee thinks that the person who claimed not to know the pilot, then backtracked and placed him as one of in-laws, and NOW says that they did actually sit down to discuss politics etc. etc. etc. is PM-material, eh Kee? And obviously, slagging off people (and your own country) who are at least MAKING AN EFFORT is PM-material, eh Kee? Anyone from the Opposition make a decent effort, Kee?
ReplyDeleteI am an idiot for reading this Chinese man article lor...
ReplyDeleteThis sound u think u can be a better leader hah? I bet u wouldn't say like this if u or your kind is the leader right?
ReplyDeleteWhat has Anwar said about MH370? What has Anwar done about the Allah issue? What has Anwar done over the BSM bible issue?
ReplyDeleteAnwar is PM material?
Dear Mr.Kee, you wrote this article so that people will hentam Hisham but look it now, u are the one who been attacked...
ReplyDeleteOld man, you didn't deserve our (Malay people) respect...
ReplyDeleteOverall our Hisham perform quite well during the press conference. The twitter on blessing in disguise - was a blunder. PM material - far from it. Minister material - far from it either.
ReplyDeleteKee, it is very obvious what you are hinting at .......without saying you are an hard core pakatan workshipper
ReplyDeleteYou can only see dirt in umno .unlike pakatan where they are all angels to you
It is too much to ask for a balanced reporting from you
Whack umno and its leaders with all yr might but you must also aggressively pursue any wrongdoings in pakatan where currently you and many others chose not too
From the comments , some jokers hv still not woken from their slumber yet that anwar Ibrahim is of PM Material .!!!
As for KTC quoting the Merdeka Centre survey results, that's LAUGHABLE! This so called 'independent' research outfit receives funding from questionable external sources and is a well known supporter of Pakatan causes!
ReplyDeletethere is nothing intellectual in this article by KTC. it is just a biased opinion peace designed to denigrate the Malay leadership. I haven't seen KTC and his loyal followers commenting negatively about Pakatan leaders as if they were faultless