A-G Gani Patail loses to Rosli Dahlan: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW
William Pesek, a prominent Bloomberg columnist, wrote recently that the
global outcry over the loss of flight MH370 has highlighted the
country’s deepest flaws of incompetent people running the country.
The Fumbling Team of MH370
“The fumbling exposed an elite that’s
never really had to face questioning from its people, never mind the
rest of the world. The country needs nothing less than a political
revolution,” said Pesek. And I agree. Nothing will change until the
present political elite is made to pay for their ineptitude,
incompetence and crooked ways by Malaysian voters.
At the international level, our political
leaders will have to take the blame. At the national level, we are
facing a crisis of our public institutions being headed by not just
mediocre and incompetent people but also characters who are downright
dishonest and who abuse the system with impunity– the rogues in
Rosli Dahlan wins against A-G Patail
Vazeer, a former practising lawyer before being made a judge, said he
agreed that deliberate abuse of power by those holding a public office
was misfeasance in public office.
That brings me to the news reports of this morning that my young friend,
Lawyer Rosli Dahlan, has again won another case against A-G Gani
Patail. For my readers’ convenience I have reproduced only the MKini
report by Hafiz Yatim (below) that provides interesting links on this story that never ceases to inspire me.
Back in Time–To the Eve of Hari Raya (Aidil Fitr), 2007
It’s a sad story of how on the eve of Hari Raya 2007, Lawyer Rosli Dahlan (right) was brutally arrested in his office in full
view of his staff by the ACA (now MACC). He was then charged in a most
sensational manner to deceive the public into believing that Rosli had
hidden illegitimate assets belonging to the Director of Commercial
Crimes, Dato Ramli Yusuff, in another sensational story fanned by the
media dubbed as the “The RM 27 million Cop”.
All this was part of a conspiracy to
eliminate Dato Ramli from the PDRM as Dato Ramli posed a threat to then
IGP Musa Hassan and A-G Gani Patail. Rosli was made a victim because he
dared to defend Dato Ramli despite warnings having been sent to him.
Since then, Musa‘s former ADC had sworn a Statutory Declaration to
expose IGP Musa Hassan’s links with the underworld.
A lot more was also disclosed about A-G
Gani Patail’s association with shady corporate figures like the one in
the Ho Hup Affair. The Internet was also abuzz with stories about how
A-G Gani Patail went to Haj and had his son to share a room with a shady
former Police Inspector who was once charged for corruption, Shahidan
Shafie, a proxy of former MAS Chairman Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli.
Tajuddin Ramli and the MAS saga was among the many failures of Dr
Mahathir’s Bumiputra corporate advancement project which culminated with
MH370 disaster. The latest episode could sink MAS without tax-payers
bailout forthcoming.
That explains why A-G Gani never charged Tajudin Ramli for the losses of
RM 8 billion that MAS suffered despite recommendations by Dato Ramli
Yusuff. Dato Mat Zain Ibrahim, former KL OCCI also swore SDs about A-G
Gani Patail throwing away the Batu Putih case for pecuniary gains.

Yet Gani Patail remains as the A-G of
Malaysia, leading many to speculate that he has a grip on PM Najib Razak
because of Razak Baginda’s acquittal in the murder of the Mongolian
beauty, Altantuya Shariibu. In that case, the A-G did not appeal against
Razak Baginda’s acquittal.
On the other hand, the A-G has pursued criminal appeals against certain people like Lawyer Rosli Dahlan and Dato Ramli Yusuff (left).
In the PKFZ case, A-G Gani Patail charged and appealed against the
acquittal of Tun Ling Liong Sik which led to Tun Lingcalling him – “
That Stupid Fella”.
Back to Rosli’s case. Lawyer Rosli, he
has fought a long and lonely battle, winning his acquittal and then
suing every one of the mainstream media for defaming him – Utusan Malaysia, The Star and the NST, and winning against them one by one very patiently.
On April 15, 2008, Utusan Malaysia
published a public apology admitting their wrongdoings and acknowledged
that the Utusan Malaysia’s article “was written and published in a
sensational manner to generate publicity which exceeded the parameters
of ethical journalism surrounding the investigation of YDH Dato’
Pahlawan Haji Ramli Haji Yusuf who at that time held the post of
Director of the Commercial Crime Investigation Department of Police
DiRaja Malaysia.”

On January 15, 2013, the Star paid damages and admitted to its wrongdoings in a published public apology.
On October 18, 2013, the KL High Court
found the NST and the MACC guilty of defaming Rosli and ordered them to
pay damages of RM 300,000 and costs. This made history as it was the
first time that the MACC was sued by a person and the MACC lost and had
to pay damages.
Last year Rosli sued A-G Gani Patail,
MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim and several other MACC
officers for conspiracy, false and malicious investigation, abuse of
power, abuse of prosecutorial discretion, malicious prosecution,
prosecutorial misconduct and public misfeasance.
Read the MKini report below and you will
discover that A-G Gani Patail had engaged Tan Sri Cecil Abraham , a
senior private lawyer from Messrs ZulRafique & Partners (an UMNO law
firm) to defend him, the A-G Chambers (A-GC) and the MACC.
I find that surprising since I am told
that the A-GC has over 800 lawyers, making the A-GC the “largest law
firm” in the country. By contrast, I am told that the largest private
law firm in the country has a maximum of 140 lawyers.
That means the Government of Malaysia
spends millions of ringgit to staff the A-GC in order to defend the
government. Yet when the Government is sued, A-G Gani Patail engages
private lawyers. Does that makes sense to you?
Is A-G Gani Patail admitting that he is
not confident of the A-GC, which he heads, to defend him and the
government in the face of the law suit by Lawyer Rosli Dahlan? Is A-G
Gani Patail admitting that the A-GC is incompetent? Was that why Tan Sri
Shafee Abdullah was asked to be an ad hoc DPP to prosecute the appeal
against Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim? Or is there is a commercial logic to
that? Is A-G Gani Patail outsourcing legal work to his friends in the
private sector to reward them for covering up for his misconduct and
Cecil Abraham sits in the MACC’s Operations Review Panel.
I had a chat with Tan Sri Robert Phang
who has always been critical of A-G Gani Patail. He told me a more
worrisome story. Robert Phang questioned whether Tan Sri Cecil Abraham (right)
is a fit to lawyer to defend the A-G because Cecil Abraham sits in the
MACC’s Operations
Review Panel, which advises on oversights in the MACC.
One of the committee’s functions is to ensure that the MACC and other
government agencies do not commit abuses. It is like an Ombudsman. If
so, how can Cecil Abraham defend A-G Gani Patail and the other MACC
officers whom Rosli has accused of fixing him? Is that not a conflict of
Other lawyers tell me that Cecil Abraham
is the senior lawyer implicated in the PI Bala SD case over the
Altantuya murder. I am stunned by all these revelations. It seems that
all the committees and advisory panel in the MACC and other government
agencies are to cover up for their wrongdoings rather than to expose and
correct them. No wonder our country is headed for doom !
Americk Sidhu, PI Bala’s lawyer makes a startling revelation at the Bar
AGM that Cecil Abraham confided in him that he prepared the 2nd SD on
instructions from Najib.
I am told that Rosli’s Statement of Claim
against A-G Gani Patail contains very damning revelations about A-G’s
misconduct. I am told that with every victory that Rosli gained against
A-G Gani Patail, more and more civil servants and people are coming up
to him to offer assistance and being more willing to be witnesses in his
cases. This was unlike before when many were afraid to be associated
with him.
Is that why AG Gani Patail does not want
to go to trial and employ all kinds of delaying tactics in Rosli’s suit
against him. Is that why A-G Gani Patail engaged Tan Sri Cecil Abraham
to strike out Rosli’s suit? Otherwise, why is A-G Gani Patail so afraid
to go to trial in Rosli’s case?
But now that Tan Sri Cecil has lost this
striking out application and the A-G is ordered to pay cost to Rosli,
who is going to bear this cost? Should taxpayer’s money be used to pay
for the misconduct of these rogues in government? If we taxpayers have
to bear this cost, then A-G Gani Patail and the likes of him will never
be repentant. There will never be accountability!
In my view, A-G Gani Patail must bear the
full costs of his misconduct. He must be held accountable and he must
pay the legal fees charged by his friend Tan Sri Cecil Abraham. I am
also of the view that the MACC should sack Cecil Abraham from being on
its Advisory Panel. Cecil Abraham cannot sit there to pretend that he is
acting as a check and balance against the MACC’s misconducts whereas he
is also covering up for the MACC when the MACC is sued by Rosli, and
getting well paid by the Government using tax payer’s money!
Conflict of Interest
The conflict of interest is so clear and
it is appalling that a senior titled lawyer like Tan Sri Cecil Abraham
cannot see that. I also feel that the Bar Council should not stand idle
arms akimbo with this revelation. The Bar Council should subject Cecil
Abraham to disciplinary proceedings for breaching such common sense rule
on conflict of interests. Cecil has dishonored the Bar and the Council
must act against him!
Well Done, JC Wazeer Alam Mydin
In that regard, I must congratulate
Judicial Commissioner Wazeer Alam Mydin for having a fair sense justice
in not allowing A-G Gani Patail to strike out Rosli ‘s claim. A judicial
Commissioner is basically a probationary judge. For a probationary
Judge to do this means JC Wazeer is indeed a brave man who would not
tolerate public authorities who commit abuses and then claim immunity.
It is indeed a brave probationary judge to stand up to the A-G and tell
it to the A-G’s face that the A-G is not above the law.
The winds of change is blowing and judges
like JC Wazeer Alam will be a credit to the judiciary. JC Wazeer Alam
is indeed a brave man to make this iconic statement:
“The claim by AG of his absolute public and prosecutorial immunity is an anathema to modern democratic society.”
April 11, 2014
A-G not immune to legal action, rules Judge
The Attorney-General is not immune to legal action, the High Court in Kuala Lumpur ruled today.
Judicial Commissioner Vazeer Alam Mydin
Meera said this in dismissing Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail’s
application to strike out the suits by former Commercial Crime
Investigation Department director Ramli Yusuff and his lawyer Rosli
Public authorities who abused their powers have been “insulated” from
accountability for “far too long” by using the Public Authorities
Protection Act.
am afraid that the notion of absolute immunity for a public servant,
even when mala fide or abuse of power in the exercise of their
prosecutorial power is alleged in the pleadings, is anathema to modern
day notions of accountability.
“I agree that deliberate abuse of power
by a person holding a public office is tortious and is referred to as
misfeasance in public office.
“Such a tortious act can arise when an
officer actuated by malice, for example, by personal spite or a desire
to injure for improper reasons, abuses his power,” Vazeer Alam said.
“This is keeping with developments in
modern jurisprudence that absolute immunity for public servants has no
place in a progressive democratic society,” the judge added. The A-G and
two other officers from the A-G’s Chambers were named in the respective
suits filed by Ramli Yusuff and Rosli Dahlan.
They had sought to strike out the suits
on the grounds that they should be immune to such action in carrying out
their prosecution powers. Ramli had filed a RM128.5 million suit
against A-G Gani, former IGP Musa Hassan and several Malaysian
Anti-Corruption Commission officers.
Rosli had filed a separate suit amounting
to RM48 million against the same parties.The two are suing them for
abuse of power, malfeasance in the performance of public duty, malicious
prosecution and prosecutorial misconduct, among others.
Suits not filed out of time
Judicial Commissioner Vazeer Alam also
ruled that the two suits for malicious prosecution were not filed out of
time as this cause of action accrued upon the determination of the
final appeal. He said that the court could not consider the period to be
when Ramli or Rosli were acquitted, as there were subsequent appeals
against the acquittals made after this.
“As with Ramli’s case, the appeals lodged
by the public prosecutor were dismissed in June and in November 2011.
Therefore the filing of the action on Nov 1 last year is well within the
time stipulated in Section 2 of the Public Authority Protection Act,”
the ruled,
Vazeer Alam also allowed the two to name
the MACC in their legal action, since the MACC took over from the
Anti-Corruption Agency.
Ramli had sued the defendants for their
claim that he was the policeman in the Copgate affair and that he had
RM27 million in assets.
Subsequently, Ramli was charged with the
non-disclosure of some of his assets and the case against him was thrown
out. Ramli’s lawyer friend Rosli was also hauled up as a result of
Ramli, who was a former state Police
Chief for Pahang and Sabah, said in his statement of claim that his
relationship with Gani soured in 2006.
This was after he met then Prime Minister
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and recommended that former Malaysia Airlines
chairperson Tajudin Ramli be prosecuted for the severe losses suffered
by the company.
“But the A-G decided not to prosecute
Tajudin. I even told the PM then that if the AG was reluctant to
prosecute Tajudin, the CCID would have the necessary resources to
conduct the prosecution.
“This earned me Gani’s permanent displeasure…” Ramli said in his statement of claim.
‘A brave decision’
After today’s court session, Ramli
commended the judge for his brave decision. “I am not doing this for
Ramli Yusuff but for the Police Force, some of whom have been victimised
as a result of this. And I am also doing this for the serving
government officers who have also been victimised.
“I am also seeking closure to an event that has affected my possible career advancement,” he said.
The RM27 million investigations had
hindered his promotion to be the Inspector-General of Police, he added.
This post was subsequently handed over to Musa Hassan.
Rosli, on commending today’s High Court
decision, said abuses by the public authority have for too long been
insulated by invoking the Public Authority Protection Act.
“Today, a brave judge has declared that
absolute prosecutorial immunity is anathema to the modern concept of
democracy. This is to remind the public authorities that no one is above
the law,” Rosli said.
Several Police Officers under Ramli’s
charge have also been prosecuted as a result of the Copgate affair and
all of them have acquitted and have been reinstated to their posts
during former IGP Ismail Omar’s tenure.
Ramli was represented by Harvinderjit
Singh, while Chethan Jethwani and Darvindeer Kaur appeared for Rosli.
Senior lawyer Tan Sri Cecil Abraham, Rishwant Singh and Senior federal
counsel Dato Amarjeet Singh represented the defendants.
Vazeer fixed June 18 for case management to possibly fix trial dates for the hearing.