If you have any thoughts or anything good to share just send it to me at factsslaughter@gmail.com. Together we voice out our thought.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Anwar: Cina BN semua bodoh / What you all think? (Updated)

Article credit to: "http://helenang.wordpress.com/"
click  here for original source 

Reader comment @ http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/263967 (Teluk Intan by-election story)
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 16-42-35

Cina DAP menghina kaum sendiri

Mengiyakan dakwaan Anwar bahawa Cina yang menyokong BN bodoh belaka.
Dapster mencemuh Cina yang mengundi BN sebagai “pengkhianat bangsa”.
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 19-32-51
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 17-53-51
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 17-56-16
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 18-13-25

BN Chinese stupid AND “shameless”

Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 18-00-08

“Seriously stooopid”? “Donkey?”

Now we’re all Alifah Ting — the 10 percent Chinese who voted BN are being roundly abused.
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 19-03-45
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 18-18-57
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 19-00-25
Malaysiakini 2014-05-27 18-22-58

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why Malays are really a very tolerant people

Article credit to 'http://helenang.wordpress.com/'
click here for original article

In half of the world’s Muslim-majority countries (24 countries out of 48), the non-Muslim population is under 5 percent — see table below .
Most of these 24 Muslim countries have 98 to 99 percent followers of Islam. There are only one to two percent religious minorities in the top dozen Muslim countries, including Turkey which had applied to be a member of the European Union.
BELOW: Muslim-majority countries as at end-2010

More Southeast Asian Muslims than Arab Muslims

Contrary to popular belief, it is not the Middle Eastern countries that have the highest Muslim populations percentage-wise.
In absolute numbers as well, there are three times more Muslims living in the Asia-Pacific than there are Arab Muslims (see bar chart below).
Indonesia, the world’s biggest Muslim country, has 209 million followers of Islam.

Indian Muslims are most numerous in Islam

The United Arab Emirates, for example, has a 76.9 percent Muslim population (5.8 million) while Kuwait’s is 74.1 percent /2.0 million, Bahrain’s 70.3 percent /890,000 and Qatar’s 67.7 percent /1.2 million.
These small Arab countries only have between two-thirds and three-quarters adherents of Islam as a total of their resident population.
In the wake of the oil boom, the rich Arab countries have been importing foreign labour most extensively. The Filipinos, Nepalese and other Christian and Hindu expats working in the Middle East have diluted the Arab Muslim populations.
Even Saudi Arabia has “only” 93.0 percent Muslims in its population compared to the Indian sub-continent countries Afghanistan (more than 99.0%) and Pakistan (96.4%).
India, although a Hindu-majority country, has 176 million Muslims.
Map source, here

Mixed fortunes of the ‘stan’ states

Altogether 30 countries have a population of 90 percent and above Muslims.
The “stan” countries are all Islam — Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan … and don’t forget Kelantanistan too.
The most Islam-saturated countries are those in the northern belt of the African continent — Tunisia (>99.0%), Morocco (>99.0%), Niger (98.4%), Algeria (97.9%), Libya (96.6%).
It is not at all reassuring that Somalia, dubbed “the most failed state in the world” according to the annual ranking by Foreign Policy and the Global Fund for Peace, is more than 99 percent Muslim and an Islamic state that practices hudud.
Other Muslim countries in the Failed States Index 2013 are:
  • No.1 — Somalia (>99.0% Muslim)
  • No.3 — Sudan (90.7% Muslim)
  • No.5 — Chad (55.3% Muslim)
  • No.6 — Yemen (>99.0% Muslim)
  • No.7 — Afghanistan (>99.0% Muslim)
Half of the Top Ten failed states of the world are Muslim majority countries, and three of them are above 99.0 percent Muslim.

PIE CHART: Global Religion Share (2010)

Bishop Paul Tan heaps praise on PAS’s Mujahid

From Malaysiakini article today, ‘Bishop: Mujahid’s like St Francis of Assisi‘ by Terrence Netto.
“He’s like St Francis of Assisi, truly a channel of peace, bringing consolation where there is loss, understanding where there is injury, a much needed figure indeed in our fractious times,” opined Bishop Paul Tan.
“St Francis is a 12th century figure in Catholic folklore, revered for his respectfor the environment, his practice of evangelical poverty, and his outreach to Muslims during the time of the Crusades.”
(Bold emphasis this blogger’s)
The above two paragraphs are excerpted from Netto’s Malaysiakini article.
What Netto omitted to mention, however, when talking about “his outreach to Muslims during the time of the Crusades” is that St Francis of Assisi had tried to convert Malik-al-Kamil, the sultan of Egypt to Christianity.
The evangelistas are ALWAYS! doing that — out to convert everybody.

“Ratcheting tensions” between Muslims and Christians

Netto also described Mujahid Yusof Rawa, the PAS National Unity bureau chief, as a “leading light in … forging dialogue between Muslims and Christian groups at a time of ratcheting tensions between the two communities”.
Inter-religious violence is merely something what happens elsewhere around the world’s conflict zones.
The dead in Bangui -- Amnesty International photo
The Muslim dead in Bangui, Central African Republic — Amnesty International photo

Rivalry between Islam and Christianity intense

The evangelistas like to say that Islam and Christianity belong to the same family. In the very first book of the bible, Genesis, it is told that Cain attacked and killed his brother Abel.
They – the “brothers” in Abrahamic faith – are fighting each other even in our neighbouring countries, the Philippines and Indonesia.
See Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe for stories about Indonesian churches set ablaze (picture below).

Lack of religious pluralism in Muslim countries

From the Islam demography, we can see that religious diversity in Muslim countries is uncommon.
The religiously “mixed” countries with between 50 and 70 percent Muslim majority are Qatar, Malaysia, Burkina Faso, Lebanon and Chad. Only five countries, and Chad is a failed state while Qatar is host to a variety of expats.
As we had examined earlier on this page, the majority of Muslim countries – i.e. 30 out of 48 countries or 62.5 percent of the Islamic world – are mono religious, that is to say with over 90 percent of their population being Muslim.
Or to put it another way, in most Muslim countries, every 9 out of 10 of its people are Muslim.
In 77 percent of the Muslim majority countries, every 8 out of 10 persons are Muslim. Where Muslims are the majority, it’s rare to find non-Muslims and if there are, these non-Muslims are few.
ABOVE: The Saeh Library in Lebanon under the care of Father Ibrahim Sarrouj was torched and the Christian priest assaulted in January this year

Lessons from Lebanon

There are less than two percent non-Muslims in Turkey, which lies in part geographically in the European continent. It is estimated that one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923 in the genocide that was perpetratedby the Turks on the Christians — see FAQ here.
If you’ll look at the table of 48 Muslim majority countries at the top of this page, you find that the closest to us in religious make-up is Lebanon. Malaysia has a Muslim population of 63.7 percent, and Lebanon, 61.3 percent.
As you may be aware, Lebanon is unstable and has suffered civil wars between its Muslims and its Christians throughout the last few decades. In any war, you may be assured that many people are killed and even more are internally displaced.
The vicious fighting between the Lebanese religious rivals in the 1980s resulted in a mass exodus of Christian communities from the affected regions to areas controlled by the Christian militia. In Lebanon, all the religious factions have had to take up arms.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hikayat Abdullah Munshi, 1845

Article credit to "http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com"


This is a comment from a reader. Saya berterima kasih. Saya juga terharu ada orang terpelajar dan begitu 'astute' atau peka akan isu-isu yang sebenarnya menjadi pembaca Blog saya. Thanks again.

“Setelah Sultan Mahmud mangkat, entah dari mana datangnya, dalam dua tiga hari singgahlah dua tiga orang anak raja di Padang. Setelah sampai di pantai, disuruhnya orang membawa tombaknya ke darat untuk meminta beras, ayam, dan barang-barang lain yang dikehendakinya.

Kasihan orang Padang kerana kebodohannya. Apabila mereka nama raja atau anak raja, dihormatinya seperti Allah.

“Dengan gementar tulangnya, mereka serahkan sebarang kehendaknya tanpa bayaran. Sepuluh lima belas hari kemudian, datang pula empat lima anak-anak raja. Mereka pun meminta juga. Ada yang naik sendiri ke darat. Barang yang ditemuinya diambil seperti barang sendiri.

Mereka seperti penyamun.

"Tuan punya harta hanya terkelip-kelip matanya, bodoh sebab takut pada nama anak raja. Diam sahaja. Anak raja yang tidak tahu malu dan takut kepada Allah dan makhluk kerana makan barang haram, berbuat sesuka hatinya.
“Ada pula kelakuan seperti binatang, mengejar dan memperkosa anak-anak perempuan. Setelah itu mereka belayar. Kemudian datang pula yang lain. Kehendak mereka tidak boleh dilawan. Jika dilawan, akan dibunuh dan rumah dibakar. Pokok-pokok kelapa mereka habis ditebang untuk umbutnya.

Demikianlah mereka membinasakan hamba Allah dengan zalim dan aniaya.
“Mereka meninggalkan kampung halaman dan sawah ladang yang porak-parik, membawa diri ke tempat lain. Ada yang menjadi hamba orang, beribu-ribu orang, bertaburan sepanjang tempat. Kampung-kampung itu tinggal menjadi hutan rimba tempat gajah dan harimau sekarang ini. Tidakkah mereka sedar segala kezaliman dan aniaya mereka itu akan dibalas oleh Allah?

“Ada satu lagi perkara pelik kedengaran. Ada raja yang membuat satu adat, bukannya adat orang Islam atau adat bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia, melainkan adat Iblis ataupun adat hawa nafsu yang jahat. Raja-raja itu mengambil anak-anak dara orang kebanyakan untuk dijadikan gundik dengan paksa, tiada reda perempuan itu, apalagi ibu bapanya.
“Dengan paksa perempuan itu dibawa ke rumahnya.

Dipanggilnya khatib atau lebai-lebai yang bebal dalam hukum agama Islam dan tamakkan upah. Disuruh oleh raja nikahkan perempuan itu dengan keris raja. Adakah nikah itu sah?

"Oleh sebab itu, banyaklah lahir anak haram. Kelakuan raja-raja itu seperti iblis yang tidak takutkan Allah dan rasul, dan tiada malu kepada makhluk. Tidakkan patut perbuatan zalim dan aniaya itu dibalas oleh Allah dengan bala-Nya?

~ Hikayat Abdullah Munshi , 1845

“…Sekalian orang yang duduk dalam negeri itu sentiasa dengan ketakutan akan aniaya dan loba raja-raja dan orang besar-besar.

Maka adalah fikiran mereka (rakyat) itu, ‘Apa guna rajin kita itu? Jikalau kita mendapat sedikit wang atau makanan, nescaya diloba dan dirampas oleh orang besar itu.’

Maka sebab itulah tinggal mereka itu dalam miskin dan malas dalam sepanjang umurnya.

Maka tetaplah fikiran saya, inilah sebabnya negeri itu tiada boleh orang mendapat kesentosaan dalamnya, kerana kurang baik pemerintahnya.

Maka sekalian perkara yang tersebut ini telah datang dari sebab kejahatan dan kebebalan raja-rajanya sahaja.”

Kisah Pelayaran Abdullah Munshi ,

“…saya pohon kepada Tuhan, janganlah kiranya dihidupkan saya dalam negeri Melayu .

Dan lagi , saya harap dijauhkan Tuhan untuk berdekat dengan raja-raja kerana orang yang hampir kepada raja-raja itu seperti bersahabat dengan ular yang berbisa, maka salah sedikit dipagutnya biji mata.”

Kisah Pelayaran Abdullah Munshi ke Kelantan,

Friday, May 16, 2014


Article credit to "http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com"

(Malay Mail Online)

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah today delivered a blunt message to graduates of University Teknologi Mara (UiTM) to press upon them the need for English skills and to decry the country’s fall from its halcyon days.

In his speech delivered during a graduation ceremony at the university’s Shah Alam campus this morning, the Umno veteran said it had been the mastery of English that once set the alumni of the institution apart and made them the choice of employers.

Stressing that English was the international medium of communication in business, technology, medicine, and diplomacy, the former minister popularly known as Ku Li said a proficiency in it was necessary in order to open up opportunities.

If we do not master it (English), we are left behind. We need to realise that our competition is not just among ourselves, but also from all the countries that use English as their lingua franca.

“Let us not bicker over the issue of language. We do not lose our identity, culture or tradition simply because we know more languages,” he said in his speech.

The former finance minister then aimed his criticism at the country’s education system, which he said both failed to produce effective thinkers and high achievers capable of excelling in testing climes, and for failing to bring together the various communities.

“I remember when once the world held us in high regard. In international forums, we were often given the honour of being moderators or readying the communique,” Ku Li said.

“Sadly, the situation is now different.”

In reading out the laundry list of weaknesses with the education system, Ku Li condemned it as a collapse that requires a drastic and radical change to reverse the slide in international rankings and disunity among the races.

Using South Korea as a yardstick of how far Malaysia has fallen behind its former peers, Ku Li pointed out that the East Asian country once had a per capita income of US$2,322 (RM7,662) in 1980, behind Malaysia’s US$2,351.

Today, Korea’s per capita income was US$24,328 while Malaysia’s was less than half that, at US$10,547.

“The reality is that our education system is ineffective.”

Malaysia scored poorly in two recent international benchmark studies on education: the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

In the 2012 edition of PISA, Malaysia was 52nd overall out of the 65 countries, and firmly entrenched in the bottom third of the survey.

Aside from the stagnant PISA performance, Malaysia has also face a continued decline in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) benchmark in which the country once performed well.

While Malaysian students were once above the international average between 1999 and 2003, theirscores in TIMSS began to decline sharply in 2007 and further in 2011.

Critics have accused the government of allowing political interests to creep into decisions oneducation policy, most notably the decision to abandon of the Policy of Teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) in 2010 that is alleged to have been a nod to Malay nationalists.

Parents and education lobbyists said the inconsistencies in education and a refusal to put greater emphasis on English was to blame for the country’s prolonged drop in standards.

Here is recap of some of Ku Li's points: 

  • the need for English skills and to decry the country’s fall from its halcyon days.
  • If we do not master it (English), we are left behind.
  • country’s education system failed to produce effective thinkers
  • collapse that requires a drastic and radical change 
  • to reverse the slide in international rankings and disunity among the races.
  • Korea per capita income US$2,322 in 1980, behind Malaysia’s US$2,351. 
  • Today, Korea  US$24,328 while Malaysia less than half that US$10,547.
  • education system is ineffective
  • Malaysia scored poorly in two recent international benchmark studies on education: the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).
  • Malaysia was 52nd overall out of the 65 countries
  • scores in TIMSS began to decline sharply in 2007 and further in 2011.
  • decision to abandon of the Policy of Teaching Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) in 2010 that is alleged to have been a nod to Malay nationalists 
  • Parents and education lobbyists said the inconsistencies in education and a refusal to put greater emphasis on English was to blame for the country’s prolonged drop in standards.
It is not just the mastery of the English language. Even if you do not master the English language its ok. But you must read, study and learn many subjects - intensively and extensively - in the English language. You need good working knowledge of English.

Because English is the most widely spoken language of business, trade, science, technology, art and just about any other branch of knowledge in the world. And it is growing. Soon China will have the largest number of English speakers in the world.

And here is the reality - until now and going into the foreseeable future and even the distant future languages like Malay, Sinhalese, Myanmar, Swahili, Hindi, Tamil, Benggali, Punjabi, Tagalog, Thai etc will not become "languages of knowledge" anywhere close to English.

They do not have enough vocabulary and 'language infrastructure' to convey complex modern ideas that are constantly evolving, especially technical and scientific ideas.

Take this statement :  "Quantum gravity takes singularity out of black holes".

I suppose you can do a literal translation of this statement n any language but almost every word here is a summary of a huge concept behind it. I agree any language can achieve this level of complexity, even the Orang Asli languages but it may take a long, long time. English has already done it. And we are not unfamiliar with English. So why waste time and opportunities?
In the 70s at a time when the Malay and non Malay population was about the same, the Malays naturally felt threatened that they would be swamped by the non Malays. It became a ketuanan issue.

This is where the greatest mistake was made. Some politicians and language nationalists came up with the silly idea that if we switched the entire education system to Malay, it will safeguard the Malays against being swamped by the non Malays.

Looking back in hindsight this policy has become a terrible poison pill  that should be attributed to anti national elements (aka pengkhianat bangsa) who should have known that this policy would destroy any chances the Malays would have had of catching up with the non Malays. And that is exactly what has happened.
Then later the UMNOputra  crony book publishers also got into the act. They have become a powerful lobby. School text book publishing contracts are worth hundreds of millions of Ringgit every year. They wanted everything in Malay so that they had the edge in grabbing text book publishing and printing contracts. This further sealed the coffin shut on our education system.

Sacrificing the English language has resulted in many bad things. Tengku Razaleigh's speech at the UITM captures many of the bad effects in a nutshell. The Malay people are now more disadvantaged than ever before.

The non Malays, particularly the Chinese and Indians, have clung better to English.  Especially the middle class Indian and Chinese parents who were forced to invest money to make sure their kids had English language proficiency to a high degree. 

When my boys were young we met dozens of people who sent their kids to tuition, music class, drama class, private sports activities that were all taught in English. My boys grew up among a very English speaking circle of friends. And this was not just in KL but in most middle class neighborhoods throughout the country. The children of my friends in Penang, Ipoh etc have grown up speaking English more than we did when I was young. 

But throughout all this time many Malays, including middle class Malays went in the opposite direction - refusing to speak English. Malay langauge skills have not really assisted the Malays improve their income earning ability (this does NOT include UMNOputras sapu kontrak, GLC receptionists earning RM3000 a month, GLC CEOs earning RM100,000  a month, ostat jin dan hantu, bomoh jual kismis ajaib, jus tok guru or bomoh dua biji nyior terbang ok.  Folks please be sensible, those are unsustainable aberrations.)

The net result is that what the Malays feared in the 1970s ie that the non Malays would overshadow them especially in the economy has come true. The Malays are still behind the non Malays. And according to French trained economist Dr Muhammad Khalid the disparity is widening even more. The Gini Coefficient shows a larger divide (income disparity) between the Malays and non Malays now than decades ago. 

Yes we have more doctors, engineers, architects among the Malays but so do the non Malays. But the non Malays still seem to outperform the Malays.
Among a few other things this income disparity is happening because the education system abandoned English, thinking that Malay alone would help them catch up with the non Malays.

What were they thinking?

And now an even bigger mistake is being made. Realising perhaps that a Malay centric education system is not helping much, now there is an attempt to infuse an Arab culture centric, religion based all encompassing system.

The education system is being infused with desert Arab cultural habits that are of no practical value to humans, animals and insects.  
Malay parents are wasting (yes wasting) money and their childrens' precious time aggressively learning the Arab language - a task that is infinitely more difficult than learning English. Plus it is of little or no use to the child.  
The financial system is being infused with strange sounding, never before heard Arab sounding financial products that burden the Muslims more than help them. 

There is still not much of a bumiputra commercial and industrial community. It is still incubating. But whatever little chance the Malays had of becoming a business and commercial community on par with the rest of the world is now being hijacked by strange religion centric ideas like wakaf economy, "Islamic networking", too complicated halal certifications and other such religion based ideas which only increase the cost of doing business, increase the cost of the products to the Muslims and create even more religious cocoons which shield the Malays from real world competition. 

I think after say another 20 years the Malays will realise that even the religious approach towards economy and business does not work. They will still lag behind the non Malays - by another 20 years.

It just keeps going on and on. The mistakes just keep piling up.

1. Malay language centric education at the expense of English
2. Arab culture centric at the expense of a Malay or modern culture or both
3. religion centric business practises instead of real world based business

It is really quite simple. Why cant people see?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Di Terengganu bermasalah tetapi tidak sebesar masalah di Persekutuan

Article credit to: "http://aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com/"
click here for original article 

"Krisis melanda UMNO dan kerajaan negeri Terengganu, berikutan dengan perletakkan jawatan Ahmad Said sebagai Menteri Besar semalam dan terus keluar dari UMNO dan menjadi ADUN bebas dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu.

Tindakan Ahmad Said keluar dari UMNO itu telah membuatkan dua orang lagi Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri mengikut jejak langkah Ahmad Said keluar parti dan meletakkan kerajaan BN/UMNO Terengganu kini adalah kerajaan minoriti yang hanya mempunyai 14 kerusi sahaja dalam DUN Terengganu. Nampaknya tidak mustahil jika PAS akan mengambil alih kerajaan Terengganu kerana jumlah bilangan kerusi bagi UMNO dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Terengganu sudah tidak melayakkan UMNO menerajui negeri itu lagi.

Tetapi saya tidak ingin menyebut apakah yang terbaik bagi PAS lakukan dalam krisis yang amat besar menghadapi UMNO Terengganu ini. Saya lebih cenderung untuk memberikan ulasan tentang UMNO secara keseluruhannya.

Tindakan Ahmad Said keluar UMNO sejurus meletakkan jawatan Menteri Besar itu membawa makna dan 'significance' yang besar terhadap UMNO itu sendiri. Ia bermakna pucuk pimpinan UMNO sudah tidak mendapat penghormatan yang sepatutnya dari pimpinan bawahannya. Tidak ada sebab Ahmad Said keluar dari parti hanya kerana beliau diminta meletakkan jawatan. Walaupun beliau memberikan alasan kerana Najib tidak mahu memberikan peluang untuk beliau meletakkan jawatan selepas 17 Mei nanti, sejurus beliau melangsungkanperkahwinan anaknya.

Tindakan Ahmad Said dan dua orang lagi ADUN Terengganu meninggalkan parti itu membayangkan yang pimpinan Najib sudah tidak dihormati lagi oleh pimpinan peringkat bawahan. Tindakan tidak akur Ahmad Said dan dua lagi ADUN itu bukan sahaja tidak menghormati Najib, tetapi ia juga melambangkan sikap tidak percaya terhadap barisan kepimpinan parti kerana keputusan UMNO meminta seorang Menteri Besar itu adalah tindakan bersama semua Majlis Tertinggi (collective responsibility) parti.

Kegagalan menguasai UMNO Terengganu itu menunjukkan kelemahan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO dan ia merupakan undi tidak percaya terhadap Majlis Tertinggi UMNO bukan setakat tentangan terhadap Najib seorang. Ahmad Said sememangnya seorang yang bermasalah tetapi pucuk pimpinan masih memilihnya untuk menerajui kerajaan Terengganu kerana kepentingan jangka pendek semata-mata. Akibatnya kita sedang sama-sama menyaksikannya.

Itu sebabnya blog ini telah banyak tahun menyatakan yang UMNO yang kini sangat lemah tidak lagi mampu membuat keputusan dengan tepat. Keputusan yang hendak dilakukan itu adalah keputusan yang melibatkan pemimpin yang semuanya adalah dikalangan mereka yang mengambil budaya politik ‘kuning’ yang akan membunuh UMNO itu sendiri akhirnya.

Kalau tidak masakan Ahmad Said merupakan seorang yang sangat ‘controversial’ yang mendapat tempat dan kedudukan melalui perpecahan dalam UMNO khususnya di Terengganu itu sendiri. Ahmad menjadi Menteri Besar dalam kontroversi besar dan perletakkan jawatan beliau sendiri pun menghasilkan kontroversi yang besar sehingga menjerumuskan UMNO negeri ketahap yang sangat merbahaya kedudukannya. Apa yang berlaku di Terengganu sekarang ini merupakan kejadian yang ‘predictable’ dari dahulu lagi dan hanya menunggu masa untuk terjadi.

UMNO pusat tidak lagi mempunyai kekuatan untuk menguruskan negara. Itulah sebabnya selalu di peringatkan yang jika UMNO masih ingin menjadi relevan seluruh kepimpinan di Pusat itu wajar berhenti dan bersara dan serahkan kepada orang yang lebih berpengalaman dan mempunyai ciri-ciri ‘magnanimity’ yang tinggi untuk melakukan pembaharuan.

Saya yakin yang keadaan ini bukan sahaja berlaku di negeri Terengganu, tetapi ia juga berlaku di negeri-negeri lain dan akan hanya menunggu masa sahaja untuk terjadi perkara seperti ini. Keretakan berlaku di setiap negeri dan kawasan dan UMNO sudah kehilangan segala-galanya ciri parti yang memerintah.

‘Intra problems’ dalam UMNO begitu serius dan bagaimana pula UMNO hendak menyelesaikan masalah-masalah besar yang lain seperti rungutan dan tidak puas hati ahli ‘equal partners’ dalam Persekutuan ini. Isu dan rungutan rakyat Malaysia di Sabah dan Sarawak ini bukannya isu yang kecil kerana ia melibatkan negara di masa hadapan. Ia memerlukan kepimpinan Persekutuan yang benar-benar mempunyai ciri kepimpinan negara yang berjiwa besar bukan setakat pemimpin yang hanya menyelesaikan isu-isu secara ‘ad hoc’ tanpa bertindak untuk memperkuatkan negara dan rakyat dalam jangka masa yang panjang.

Masalah ‘inter-party’ dalam BN semakin serius dan tanpa penyelesaian yang segera ia tidak akan mengembalikan negara kepada keadaan yang pernah kita alami dahulu. Yang menyelamatkan UMNO sedikit pada hari ini, ialah perpecahan yang juga sedang berlaku dalam pihak pembangkang dan keadaan ini juga tidak memberikan keyakinan kepada rakyat yang ramai untuk mendapatkan sebuah negara yang kuat dalam mana rakyatnya hidup dalam aman dan damai.

Sesungguhnya masalah yang dihadapi oleh pimpinan di Terengganu walaupun masalah besar tetapi ia tidak sebesar masalah yang mereka hadapi dengan dua buah negeri, Sabah dan Sarawak. Ia melibatkan kestabilan sebuah negara yang besar dan isu yang mereka di Malaysia Timur hadapi bukanlah isu yang kecil.

Bagi mereka perjanjian Persekutuan Malaysia yang mereka tanda tangani dahulu adalah perjanjian diantara empat buah negara, Singapura, Sabah dan Sarawak bersama dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Mereka berhak untuk menuntut apa yang telah dipersetujui dan ditanda tangani kerana jika tidak diselesaikan isu ini maka mereka juga berhak untuk bertindak mengikut kehendak dan kemahuan mereka seperti yang dijanjikan dan di tanda tangani itu.

Penyelesaiannya hanya akan tercapai jika ada dikalangan pemimpin yang berwibawa membawa kembali ke meja perundingan untuk menyelesaikan apa-apa ketidak puasan hati rakyat di sana. Tanpa ada pemimpin yang mampu untuk menyelesaikan dan mencari formula terbaik bagi isu ini, keadaan ini tidak mustahil akan memecahkan negara bukan setakat perpecahan parti-parti politik tanahair semata-mata.

Jika kita hendak mengharapkan pimpinan di Persekutuan yang ada pada hari ini dari kedua-dua belah pihak BN dan Pakatan Rakyat ia tidak akan sampai kemana-mana dan akhirnya akan berlaku apa yang kita tidak ingini pada suatu ketika nanti."

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

BN bleeding a pool of blood

Article credit to "http://helenang.wordpress.com/"
click here for the website

“MCA has started investigating leaders and members suspected of having sabotaged the party in the 13th general election, Nanyang Siang Pau reported today.” (source: The Sun, 2 June 2013)
DapsterGangsterErr, how about the star saboteur that’s staring them in the face, hah?
With regard to the MCA probe on internal sabotage, urm, like how much more damage can traitorous party members do?
In 2008, MCA had 15 MPs and in 2013, it has 7 MPs.
The 8 constituencies lost by MCA in GE13 are listed below with their total number of registered voters within brackets:
  • Kampar (63,619)
  • Alor Setar (69,009)
  • Pandan (83,857)
  • Lumut (88,300)
  • Raub (54,214)
  • Gelang Patah (106,726)
  • Kluang (86,732)
  • Kulai (83,991)
Taken together, the MCA has lost its reach to 8 wards holding a total of 636,448 registered voters.
Defeat in the election may have caused MCA to lose the potential audience of 0.64 million mentioned above but do please remember that The Star reaches a sure audience of 5.63 million adults nationwide.
And the MCA’s Gunting dalam Lipatan is handing over this 5.63 million daily to the DAP propaganda. More dangerous than the Red Bean Army is the enemy within.

MCA’s commitment is questioned

Regular commenter Shamshul Anuar left the following remark (excerpt):
“As I repeatedly said earlier, it is better MCA and Gerakan to be “buried’ politically speaking.
“They are no longer relevant. Chinese have decided that they do not need these 2 parties. DAP, that is more provocative than these 2 BN components, suit the Chinese mood: hostility towards Malays.
“Actually I am not that riled with DAP. What really upset me is the refusal of Umno to response.”
love pm

Love, love, love …

Bertanam tebu di bibir.
Cakap tak serupa bikin.

Statistics don’t lie

The BN has in its hands concrete data from the Saluran returns in 174 Parliament seats – not counting the seats where MCA and Gerakan had stood – that were contested by the coalition’s GE13 candidates including Umno proxy Ibrahim Ali in Pasir Mas.
This data can be examined to calculate with a fair degree of accuracy how the various races voted. I have no doubt that the tally from the ballot boxes will prove conclusively that the Chinese – to the estimate of 90 percent – had rejected the BN.
The MCA claims to have one million members… Missing in Action, quite obviously, on 5 May 2013.
Similarly MIA are the votes from the quarter of a million Gerakan members, of whom80 percent are Chinese as once revealed by former party president Koh Tsu Koon.
Earlier I’d shown the correlation between a constituency’s Chinese population and the level of support for the DAP there.
The correlation between Chinese electorate-BN support is inverse: e.g. Gerakan’s Ng Song Kheng obtained 15.99% of the total votes cast in the Penang Parliament seat of Tanjong which has 85.23% Chinese voters. The inverse correlation of 15.99% and 85.23% is almost a perfect match.
If the MCA and Gerakan’s own members had pangkah dacing, their parties would surely have secured more than a million extra votes.
CONCLUSION: There is no other way to interpret the Chinese tsunami except that most of the MCA and Gerakan members did not vote for the BN.

MCA must be held to account

Gerakan’s sole Parliament seat is in the Malay-majority area of Simpang Renggam.
Six out of the 7 Parliament seats that the MCA is currently holding are Malay-majority areas:
Ayer Itam (57.9 % Malay), Alor Gajah (57.8% Malay), Tanjong Malim (53.0% Malay), Tanjong Piai (52.1% Malay), Tebrau (47.4% Malay) and Bentong (44.9% Malay, 43.9% Chinese).
The only Chinese-majority seat still belonging to MCA is Labis with a 46.5% Chinese electorate, and even then, Chua Tee Yong’s victory there was by a whisker.
It is not good enough that MCA withdraw their participation in the Cabinet and government. The party must at the same time answer to its kawan-kawan setia in BN on the betrayal of the BN setiakawan spirit.
How on earth did the Malaysian.CHINESE.Association lose the plot to such an extent that 90 percent of the community it claims to represent are currently refusing to let up in their confrontational stance?

Api dalam sekam

One of the biggest culprits perpetrating the BN sabotage is the Scissors lethal weapon that the MCA keeps in its fold.
Backstabbing carried out by The Star is most certainly a main contributory cause to the MCA, Gerakan and SUPP wipe-out.
The MCA sent its 127 men and women out to the battlefield to be slaughtered by the Evangelista Bintang Tiga.
Below you can see at a glance the pool of blood.

Dunno where Red Bean ends and Red Star begins

The Star‘s consistent skewing sealed the death warrant for all the brave MCA men and women whose names are recorded in the epitaph above.
That the Star Media Group has been allowed to function as an auxiliary of the Red Bean Army for the last 6 years is criminal neglect on the part of the MCA. (Or was it a case of deliberately closing one eye?)
Now that the DAP has successfully murdered the MCA, Gerakan and SUPP, Umno is the next target. If ever Pakatan storms Putrajaya, BN should not hope to be able to wrest back power again.
The success of Pakatan in Selangor should serve as a dire warning.
Once Pakatan takes control, it will be impossible to dislodge them. Look for yourself how from 2008 to 2013, Pakatan not only entrenched themselves but even increased their haul by 8 seats.
This is done via its saturation propaganda blasted 24/7 through every medium at every level.
The BN has already lost the popular vote in 2013.
By the next election round, the BN should not be surprised to find itself warming the opposition benches should it fail to deal effectively with the DAP deep indoctrination virus.
Red Bean counters are merely the grunts. It is The Star that is the nerve centre of the brainwashing which will most definitely cause BN to hemorrhage young and urban votes.
About the so-called ‘Urban-Rural divide’. Development and demography is on the side of Pakatan. For how long more can Umno depend on its rural vote bank and Felda safe deposit?